Thursday, April 21, 2011

UPDATE: Change the date again.... To May 22nd sorry :(

Sorry for keep changing the date, but this time its official. We had some issue of getting insurance for the event at school, so we had to push it back to May 22nd, 1:00pm-4:00pm. If you guys need help extending the art piece's deadline or any info let me know asap.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Since we are gonna get alot of submission for the art piece, the committee for heart for Japan is going to choose 10-15 art pieces who's going to be sold for the student auction and will be shown on the projector.  The remaining people who didnt get selected will not be able to sale their art work for the auction, but  still be able to be shown at the art show on the projector. 

So this is how we are going to do this
On May 2nd please email me your art piece at,
If its traditional just take a picture or scan it in, if its digital please give me a copy of the jpeg. Also with the art piece, please email me your name, address, and telephone number. 
The art pieces will be announced on May 4th.
The selected art pieces will have to get their art piece printed and framed by the artist, canvas doesn't have to be framed. Please turn it in by May 12 at the student housing office

The art pieces that wasn't selected, doesn't have to get their art piece printed framed, but it will be shown at the art show on the projector.

Thanks guys for your cooperation

if you guys have any question let me know

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Contact info

FYI, if you need to contact me with anything, email me at

Friday, April 8, 2011

Miguel Vasquez- first draft

update: 4/8/11

Here are the details so far:

Event: Heart for Japan

Date: Sunday, May 15th

Time: 1:00 – 4:00pm

Location: The Art Institute of California – Los Angeles – Main Building (2900 31st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405)

Rooms: Bistro 31, The Big Room, Student Lounge

Tentative Agenda:

1:00 – 1:30 - Welcome Ceremony

1:30 – 3:15 - Silent Auction in the Bistro

1:30 – 3:30 - Music in the Big Room

1:30 – 3:30 - Food in the Lounge (Games?)

3:30 – 4:00 - Closing Ceremony (Final music performance, winners of auction, total amount raised)


10-15 High-end professional completed pieces, on easels with clipboard

“Songs for Japan” CD playing, computer to purchase album from iTunes

Marketing Materials for “Give to Asia”

Big Room

Stage, back line, drums, amps, mics, etc…

Physical Student Artwork around perimeter

Digital Artwork on Projector

Marketing Materials for “Red Cross”

Student Lounge

Appetizers, Hors D’oeuvres, Refreshments


Friday, March 25, 2011

Submission guideline

deadline for the art work is at Wednesday, April 27.
please submit the art work at
Art Institute- Los Angeles, student housing office.
2950 31st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405-3035.

Also, I got the word from the assistant dean saying that the event is going to be on Sunday, May 1st.
The time and place is still pending.
The requirement of the art piece is 9x12 -18x24, and should be frameable.
The theme is Japan awareness, no offensive work please.
Printing must be printed by the artist, and info about the frames TBA.

All proceeds goes to give2asia.

Thanks guys for all your support, lets help Japan together. XD

Thursday, March 24, 2011

sorry I couldnt get money for the printing budget from the school.

sorry I couldnt get money for the printing budget from the school. So if any of you guys are doing digital art work, I'm sorry u guys gonna have to print on your own. I tried to get money from the school, but they said no. :(

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

submission and requirment detail

So the deadline for the art show submission well be at Apirl 18th. Please meet this by the deadline. Disclosure of the detail will be TBA. Location of the submission will be determined.
The requirment of the art piece is 9x12 -18x24, and should be framable. The theme is Japan awareness, no offensive work please. Printing and frames details will be TBA.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Logo submissions

Thanks Alejandro, Bricen, and Gohar for the contribution!!! Sorry Gohar and Alejandro, I couldn't choose your piece but you guys can definitely submit this for the art show!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I need a logo

Since the logo I'm using right is Mr.Dice's logo,  I should use my own logo.  can anyone help me with making our own logo for this fundraiser? I wish I have the time but I'm bombarded with finals. :( The title can be "Artist Help Japan at AI" or any other cool name would be fine.

I'm looking for simplicity, and shows positive affection.  

update for JTA day

The awareness day is going to be around the third week of the next month. 
Mike is helping to get industry professional to help the cause, and trying to rent out a theater for the art show

My roommate Kai is planning to hold a MVC3 tournament in the student lounge at Apirl 4th-8th during lunch break (11:30-12:30) .  Ticket would cost $10 each. 10% of the money would go to the champion and the other 90% well go to the fundraiser. 

Artist Help Japan Movement at the Art Institute of Los Angeles

On Thursday, March 10, 2011, one of the most devastating events had occurred: Japan was hit by a 8.9 magnitude earthquake, causing a tsunami to devastate the city of Sendai , and the nuclear reactor in Fukushima is currently spreading radiation through Japan.  Almost 5,000 people's lives were lost from the tsunami, and 100,000 people are reported missing.  The Daiichi nuclear power plant exploded recently causing countless more to be affected by radiation.  The Japanese who were affected by the tsunami are desperately trying to stay calm and keeping their spirits up.  This is a national crisis; Japan needs much as help they can get from the entire world because it effects not only in japan, but also the entire world.
There are a lot of students including me who have family and/or friends in Japan who are victims of this crisis, so I want to show Japan that the Art Institute is willing to assist in the recovery effort by providing a fundraiser with the help of the Artists Help Japan Movement which is lead by the art director from Pixar, Daisuki Tsutsumi. He was also behind 2008 Totoro Forest Project to help preserve Sayama Forest in Japan and Sketchtravel Project. All the funds will go to Give2Asia/Asian Foundations existing fund towards Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Fund.  Give2Asia is a US 501 (c) (3) public charity, to which contributions are tax deductible (Federal Employer Identification #94-3373670).
 I’m planning is to hold a Japanese Tsunami awareness day at the Art Institute in Los Angeles on the third week of the next quarter. The date and time is still pending.  What I’m proposing is that from each department, animation, graphic design, interior design, fashion and game art department is to hold a silent auction showcasing student and faculty artwork. The proceeds from the artwork sold will be donated to the NPO Give2Asia. Each donor would receive   The artwork can be a Japanese relief theme or any artwork they want to donate.  I would like to invite friends, family, faculty, other students, and also people from animation, game, and graphic design studios.    People from the audio department can do a live show to increase awareness, and the culinary students can do a bake sell to fundraise.  Also each person who donates to the Artists Help Japan Movement would receive a handmade origami crane, the crane represents a form of healing and hope during challenging times.  I am currently working on attracting both donors and sponsors for this event.
This is a great opportunity for students to exhibit their work and network with professionals not only in California or with their dream company, but perhaps make contacts in Japan.  I’m calling on those who are saddened by these events to stand and let their voices be heard.  Those who wish to fly to Japan and help but are unable to, this is their time.  We can be a greater force in this world if we rally together for the good of humanity.  I hope this letter shall move you to action to assist in this endeavor.  Any assistance I can get to help this crisis would be greatly appreciated by Japan, Give2Asia, and me.

Any suggestion or help with this cause will be much appericiated!